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Habr humorous site?

I try to consider everything as a serious site. If the topic is interesting, then before otkommentit, I read other people's comments. More often I look through quickly and of course I hold back my gaze on those that are more tricky. Well, I understand that pluses are needed in order to highlight a comment like "yes, I agree" or "oh, this is a useful comment." But very often the most negative comment is simply some useless joke. Here and in the rating it is clearly seen: habrahabr.ru/top/comments/all

I understand that this is just such a habrofishka. As, for example, plus the topic while minus the karma. In principle, I even understand why everything turns out that way. I do not think that my post, something will change a lot. I am just interested to know your opinion on this matter, dear Habrovchane.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56320/

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