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Phone - (un) modem

Despite the fact that I am a user of a communicator on Windows Mobile, I try to follow the news from the camps of Symbian, Android and iPhone. The reason for this is simple: sooner or later, the device in your pocket will be erased into holes and you will need to buy the following. And when changing a piece of iron, you want not to make a mistake and get the maximum of opportunities and amenities.

Until now, I have never seen anything on the news about alternative WM platforms that would make me exclaim: “I want it! I can't live without it! ”And rush to the nearest store for new clothes. And today there was a news that pushed me further away from switching to non-WM.

The news is that Google has removed all applications from the Android Market that allow using the G1 smartphone as a modem (the news is given with reference to CNET ).
Probably, the ability to use the communicator as a means to access the Internet from a computer is not the most important function. Nevertheless, having a spare communication channel “at hand” is never superfluous. In my case, this channel is sometimes the only one, and the ability to connect a “big” computer to the Internet via a communicator is critical. Thus, for me, even in perspective, Android is closed.

Now it turns out that, if you exclude devices on Symbian and iPhone that do not suit me solely for subjective reasons, my only option for the future is devices on Windows Mobile (I’ll probably not be able to switch to regular phones now). Although I do not regret it at all! :)

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56295/

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