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Not a startup

I propose to discuss the following topic. On Habré communicates a large number of people developing sites, creating their projects. A very large number of topics about startups. But in which blog to communicate to people who have already launched the site, it works well and in principle everything is fine, but - we also have problems, we also have pressing questions: how to keep the audience, how to “pump” the number of views, what contests are effective, which are, on the contrary, harmful, how to work with advertisers, how to promote a new service, how to develop a community, how to go offline, etc. etc. There are a lot of questions.

But neither on the Internet, nor on Habré can I find a similar blog, a similar community. That is why I created this topic-question do we need a similar blog, is there (although I know the answer in advance) among us people who have popular resource (s) who would be interested in such a community?

Personally, I do not have enough air. And you?


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56276/

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