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HP tries Android on its netbooks

Move over, Microsoft! Hewlett-Packard can bring Google to the market of operating systems for desktops and laptops, where until nowadays Windows reigned supreme. The world's largest PC maker announced the start of testing the Android platform for a new line of its netbooks.

Now HP specialists are studying the communication and computing capabilities of Android. On which models of devices you plan to port Android - not reported.

The porting of Android to netbooks has been reported before, but if HP does this, it can bring this OS to a whole new level. According to market analysts, now all the major computer manufacturers are looking towards Android.
HP's innovative potential is well known. They recently released a Mini 1000 Mi Edition netbook with a modified version of its own Ubuntu. The modifications affected the simplification of the interface in order to adapt it for the most novice users.

Apparently, too complicated interface and resource intensity - this is the main complaint of netbook manufacturers to developers of operating systems. In this situation, Android may be the best option.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56275/

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