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Robots will help develop the success of Google Street View

Although panoramic images presented by Google Street View service periodically become the center of scandals because of the invasion of privacy by people caught in the camera, yet the popularity of the service is huge, and, it must be admitted, deservedly so. Today it became known that restless Google plans to expand Street View even more, providing the choice of the height of the viewpoint in a significant range, and then go far beyond the city streets, turning his and user's attention to the pictures of underwater life.


The development of the project involves the use of the latest achievements of high technologies - electronics, computing systems and robotics. It is planned that in the future the source of images for the new generation of Street View will be numerous mobile robots equipped with cameras and capable of self-organizing into perceptor networks. The tasks of shooting in the air are assigned to robots-bees, called GooBee and controlled by modified versions of Google Maps, and the water-floating GooSea complex will consist of kilometer robots and a central coordinating module made in the form of a whale robot. The first prototypes of the robokilek were five thousand dollars each, and today already three, but smaller.

According to Google, the use of robocats will not only provide an opportunity to choose the height of the observation point, but also provide rich materials for the formation of more realistic three-dimensional models of various sights. The main object of attention robokilek should be sunny sea and ocean shoals, especially the spectacular tropical waters rich in spectacular views, as well as sunken aircraft, ships and cities. Who knows, perhaps this will give a new impetus to the boom of underwater treasure hunting. With all these undoubted virtues, it is also easy to imagine how brazenly these flying paparazzi can invade private life.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56266/

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