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Amazon launches new cloud service Elastic MapReduce

In addition to Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) and Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), Amazon announced the launch of Amazon Elastic MapReduce, which is currently in beta status.

Elastic MapReduce is a web service that allows you to easily process huge amounts of diverse data. The service is based on a combination of EC2 and S3, as well as the Hadoop framework.

According to Amazon, using Elastic MapReduce, you can easily:

In order to use Amazon Elastic MapReduce, you must first create an EC2 instance in the US, as MapReduce is not yet supported for EC2 instances located in Amazon's European data centers.
Well, of course the price. When using MapReduce, you pay for an EC2 instance, the amount of data that is stored in S3, and also for using MapReduce technology.

When using Standard Amazon EC2 Instances:

For High CPU EC2 Instances respectively:

Amazon seems to be the first to provide commercial MapReduce services using Hadoop. To talk about the effectiveness of such a solution is to wait for tests and working projects based on Elastic MapReduce.

For those who want more details: aws.amazon.com/elasticmapreduce

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56254/

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