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What's new will be in WordPress 2.8

For me personally, there was not a strong revelation of the list of new features and edits that will appear in WordPress 2.8 .

More surprise was caused by people who were surprised when they learned that there was such a list.

It is not difficult to guess that you can find a list of innovations on the official website .
So, version 2.8 will include both new features and fixes for found errors and flaws.

Here are some interesting new items:

- Support for custom taxonomy (In addition, this is almost the main change in WP 2.8, at least there was a strong emphasis on it. You can read more about taxonomy in WP at maxsite.org and blog.sjinks.org.ua);
- Improved interface “Widgets”;
- New order (mechanism) of installation themes;

- Alteration of the import wizard from LJ;
- Using the SimplePie technology for broadcasting rss-feeds in the Admin panel and in widgets;
- Improving the technology “Publish it” (the java-script link is placed in the personal panel for quick publication of interesting pages found on the Internet);
- Parameters of XSS attack filters were revised;
- Improved search for plugins through the admin panel;
- Draft autosave when pressing Control / Command + S (Ctrl + S);
- Canceled confirmation request when marking a comment as spam;
- When installing, improved check e-mail admin;
- Added check for new versions when visiting the Tools-> Upgrade Admin Panel;
- Added syntax highlighting in the Themes and Plugins editor;
- Icons on the menu in the Admin Panel are painted on (Yes, yes, yes! The most important innovation!) ;
- Added screen option to change the number of items in the records manager, comments, pages.
- Improvement and optimization of work with the database;
- Increase the performance of scripts;

In addition, the version of jQuery, included by default in the installation package, has been updated to jQuery 1.3.1.

Innovations that should have appeared in WP 2.7, but did not appear:

- Menu Editor (as far as we understand it is about the menu in the admin panel);
- Record type “Gallery”, as well as additions to the template tags for creating a gallery;
- Versions of the template edits in the Theme Editor + linking of the documentation to the template tags when editing the theme;
- Download and install themes through the user interface;
- Adding the ability to block all outgoing HTTP requests.

This is not all changes and innovations, mainly those that are more or less worthy of attention.

At the same time, for some items, you only have to guess what the creators actually implement. For example, the words "new mechanism" of the installation of themes - does not, unfortunately, give any idea what exactly they will change and whether they will change drastically ...

What can I say? Based on the above points, you can easily notice the focus of WP on an ordinary user who, without leaving the Admin Panel, could customize and refine his blog. With the proper level of implementation of the on-line editor of themes and plug-ins, the need to use FTP will appear extremely rarely.

On the other hand, in the 21st century it is quite normal that all the necessary manipulations can be done via the web interface, without working directly with the files.

If this goes on like this, I would like to see a web installation.

Now the most important question is whether to rush to upgrade? As always, the answer is simple - decide for yourself.

Personally, I will update, but not on the first day, but only after looking well at the new version on LAN.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56248/

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