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Startup Web 2.0 funding doubled in 2006

Venture financing for Web 2.0 start-ups is growing exponentially with a denominator of two. In 2006, investment in the United States, Europe and China came close to a billion dollars.

According to Ernst & Young and Dow Jones VentureOne, last year, venture capitalists around the world invested about $ 844 million in Web 2.0 startups. This is more than two times more than the $ 406 million invested in 2005. The absolute majority of transactions ($ 682.7 million) took place in the US market, where 126 startups were financed, the largest of which were Facebook ($ 25 million), Zillow ($ 25 million), PodShow ($ 15 million), Zimbra $ 14.5 million, Veoh Networks ($ 12.5 million), Six Apart ($ 12 million), Kayak.com ($ 11.5 million) and Revver ($ 10 million). In 2005, 95 startups received funding, and in 2004 - 35.

Among non-US Web 2.0 startups stand out NetVibes ($ 14.4 million), Where Are You Now? ($ 9 million) and Toodou ($ 8.5 million). Total received financial resources of 20 European companies Web 2.0, with seven of them - the French, and another five - the British. For comparison, in 2005 only four start-ups in all of Europe were financed.

In China, 21 transactions were registered, as in the previous year. The volume of investments fell by 26% to $ 61.3 million. Two more Web 2.0 transactions took place in Israel.
The average investment in the United States for the year rose from $ 3.3 million to $ 5 million, he caught up with the Chinese level, but still lags behind the European figure ($ 6 million).

The world's most active venture capital funds Web 2.0: Benchmark Capital (13 transactions), Draper Fisher Jurvetson (10), Sequoia Capital (9), Omidyar Network (8), Accel Partners (7), General Catalyst Partners (7), Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers (5), IDG Ventures China (4), Index Ventures (4), Mayfield (4), Storm Ventures (4).

With the current growth rate, the counting of Web 2.0 startups will soon become meaningless, because those without any exception will be web startups.

via Dow Jones Financial Information Services

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/5624/

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