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Sign of a real teacher.

Jalaliddin Rumi is one of the pillars of Sufism. Many people came to him for advice and a wise word. One day a neighbor woman came to him with a boy and said:

- I have already tried all the ways, but the child does not listen to me. He eats too much sugar. Please tell him that this is not good. He will obey because he respects you very much.

Rumi looked at the child, at the trust in his eyes, and said:
- Come in three weeks.

The woman was at a loss. It's such a simple thing! It is not clear ... People came from distant countries, and Rumi helped them to solve big problems right away ... But she obediently came in three weeks. Rumi looked at the child again and said:

- Come in another three weeks.

Here the woman could not stand it, and dared to ask what was the matter. But Rumi only repeated what was said.

When they came for the third time, Rumi said to the boy:

- Son, listen to my advice, do not eat a lot of sugar, it is unhealthy.

“If you advise me, I will not do this again,” the boy answered.

After that, the mother asked the child to wait for her on the street. When he came out, she asked Rumi why he didn’t do it the first time, because it’s so simple? Jalaliddin confessed to her that he loved to eat sugar, and before giving such advice, he had to get rid of this weakness himself. At first he decided that three weeks would be enough, but he was mistaken ...

One of the signs of a real Teacher is this: he will never teach what he did not pass.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56232/

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