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SaveIE6: a petition in defense of the best browser of today

The SaveIE6 campaign has already been supported by many respected people on the Internet:

“IE6 is the first and only browser I've ever used. Its tight integration with the operating system makes it an indispensable assistant. ”
Steve B. Bangal, inventor of spaghetti code

“Seeing unnecessary and interfering functions like tabs, I’m not willing to change my favorite IE6 to anything else.”
Kent Kintl, webmaster
“By purchasing Mac on the advice of my boyfriend and noting that IE6 does not have a Mac version, I immediately sold it and went back to Windows.”
Rick Rollmo, millionaire dotcom boom.

“Making websites for other browsers is simply unbearable! Tables are nowhere else displayed as they are in IE6. ”
Din T.P., Certified Web Designer and MVP

“Two words: Checked. By time. God, IE6 has been around since 2001! Works - do not touch. "
Shoko Cold, Chief Engineer Shoko Buffet Online

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56219/

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