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YouTube on the first of April.

I think many have already seen, but for those who missed.


Turn your monitor upside-down to your mattress every six months. You might find that YouTube videos look better this way.

You need to tilt your head to the side . Tilt your head towards one side and watch the video on the opposite side is optional.

Move to Australia . (It’s still upside-down for you, then we’re recommended moving to the northern hemisphere.)

Turn over the monitor: Internal tests showed that modern monitors provide the best quality of the image in an inverted state - this is just like turning the mattress every 6 months. You may notice that the video is much better with an inverted monitor.

Tilt your head to the side: Imagine that you have water filled your ear and you need to shake it out of there. Bend your head to the shoulder and watch the rollers (gently pat on the other ear at will)

Move to Australia: As you probably know, Australia has everything underfoot, so moving to Australia will help you with watching videos (If you already live there and the page is still turned, we advise you to move to the northern hemisphere).

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56200/

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