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A few words about Mor.ph

During a recent discussion of Google App Engine (GAE) and Java on this habratopic, the good Haylurads offered to look at Mor.ph

I looked, at first glance it looked delicious - but in the course of real use I found out a few but. We will talk about them.

So, first about the delicious. Morph, among other things (PHP, Ruby I omit here) offers hosting for Java applications. Unlike VPS - there is no ssh, server settings and other things - everything is already configured. It is only necessary to configure the web application to use certain JNDI for the connection to the database and mail / Session, select the database (MySQL or PostgreSQL can be used to bribe), fix it with a special tool (attached) - and everything will work.

Everything works on the nth number of server instances (Jetty-7.0 costs) above which load-balanser costs. The number of instances depends on the tariff. Well, all this stuff lives on Amazon services.

Of goodies:
1. Easy server management
2. The ability to dynamically switch between tariffs (easily switch to a more powerful-expensive if required) - pay by day
3. Availability of a free tariff with 3 GB of traffic per month and 1 gigom of space for development
4. The minimum paid rate gives 30 gigov of traffic and costs 1 dollar per day (I was satisfied)

What BUT it turned out:
1. You cannot park your domain at a free rate.
2. work with the database only through phpPgAdmin - for example, I had to migrate an existing database - it can only be uploaded via apload of SQL. For my not very large database, the export in SQL was 2 Giga. Zaaploadit 2 Gig ... well, trite traffic sorry
3. Java is configured to use 196Mb of memory (as far as I understand -Xmx196m) - not all applications will suffice (in the forum a person complained that he could not run Alfresco) - my EmForge is also not a fact that will go. Moreover, this setting does not depend on the tariff - you can buy a bunch of "cubes" - instances - but each will have a Jetty with 196 meters
4. You can see only the last 200 lines of the log (which is clearly not enough) - they promised to fix it
5. Jetty - 7.0-Beta. In my case, the JSF 1.2 + Facelets + RichFaces combination issued a “Cannot restore View” when you get the forms. I have not tested my application for compatibility with Jetty 7.0 (it will be necessary to try to play locally) - but IMHO to install the beta version was a hasty decision from their side

In general - the planned migration to Mor.ph is canceled :(

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56198/

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