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Administrative nonsense or project management?

At the project management seminar:

“We’ll go over Gantt charts,” Calbfuss said, “PERTH charts, company status reports, interaction with the human resources department, weekly meetings, effective use of email, time spent reports, progress reports on project, reports on the phased implementation of the project, and finally - the most interesting - we will discuss the program to maintain product quality. Do you seem to have a question?
Mr. Tompkins rose from his place in the last row.
- YES. My name is Tompkins. I would like to know: is that all? Did you read us the whole workshop plan?
“Of course,” Kalbfuss said confidently.
- The whole project management plan?
- Well yes. Hmm, do you think I missed something?
- Nothing special. You just lost sight of people.
- People?
- People. Projects do just them.
O, sure.
- So I thought: maybe you included this question in the plan of your seminar?
- What exactly?
- For example, the issue of employment. Employment is the most important responsibility of a manager.
“Perhaps, perhaps,” Calbfuss agreed, but we think you shouldn't do this. We do not say that it does not matter. And we do not say ...
- It seems that you are not going to talk about it at all. Kalbfuss plunged into his notes.
“Um ... really, no.” You see, hiring is one of the subtle points. This is very difficult to teach.
- Of course, difficult. And absolutely necessary. It seemed to me that you did not include in your plan the question of how to correctly determine which person to delegate what work.
- Not. Of course, this is very important, but nevertheless ...
- However, you left it without attention.
- Hmm.
- You were not going to tell anything about motivation either.
- No, this is another question that is difficult to discuss.
- And about creating a cohesive team.
- Well, of course, I will talk about how important it is. That everyone should remember that he ... well, we will talk about women, of course ... that both he and she ... that everyone should feel like a team. Yes, we are all one team here. And I will definitely emphasize that we all must ...
- Yes Yes. And you will tell us how to build a team, how to rally it, how to prevent it from disintegrating in a difficult situation, how to help people work together, in one coordinated team?
- No, my course is designed to study management science.
- And you are going to teach us the science of management, without touching upon the issues of interaction with people, human abilities to perform certain work, motivation and team building? Do you want to teach us without affecting the most important management issues?
- Yes, our seminar will be devoted to other topics. Does it bother you mr ...?
- Yes, it bothers me.
- What exactly?
- That you did not include these topics in your plan, but called the seminar "Project Management."
- And, it means that for you everything depends on the name. And how do you think I should have called my seminar?
- Why not call it "Administrative Erundistics"? Silence hung in the hall. Tompkins turned and walked toward the exit.

Dialogue from the book “The novel about project management”
Is it possible to learn the art of interacting with people for successful project management? If yes, how and where?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56194/

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