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VDS from SpaceWeb!

Dear Hobrazhiteli!

We are glad to inform you that starting today, SpaceWeb starts testing a new service - VDS , which will last 2 months.

Attention! All that is written below is not an April Fool's joke.

Testing can only be complete if it is conducted by system administrators or web developers who are familiar with the operating system * nix and command line skills. Therefore, we invite representatives of the habrasocommunity to take part in it.

Unlike many other popular virtualization technologies, our VDS is built on the basis of Xen technology, which guarantees the absence of overselling (installing on a physical server more VDS than recommended). Xen shares only the physical memory of the server, while Virtuozzo / OpenVZ, for example, allows you to split swap and create so many VDSs that the amount of their RAM can easily exceed the amount of physical memory of the server itself. The result of this "cutting" can be a shortage of resources on the server and a drop in the productivity of VDS. That is why we chose the best and most reliable technology for our VDS - Xen.

From time to time we will send certain tasks to the service testers, the results of which will make it easier for us to determine how successful the VDS testing process is. We will also welcome the initiative of the testers, their comments on the service, suggestions for the development of the service, the addition of new functionality, etc.

We currently offer a VDS to Xen test rate with the following parameters:
- 256 MB of memory
- 400 Mhz processor
- 5 GB disk
- CentOS 5.2 OS

After creating an account, the tester gets root-access to the configured system, where Apache 2.2.3, PHP 5.1.6 and MySQL 5.0.46 are preinstalled for your convenience.
But we do not insist on using them in the testing process: you can install the necessary programs yourself. Just remember that the installed software and the use of VDS should not violate our rules of service .

To take part in testing is possible only by invitation, the number of which is limited. We have identified several such invitations specifically for you:


These invitations must be activated within 2 weeks from the date of publication.

If suddenly you do not have time for one reason or another to take advantage of these invites, do not be discouraged. Anyone can receive an invitation who are ready to responsibly approach the process by writing a request to vds-invite@sweb.ru.

We are waiting for your feedback and wishes!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56192/

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