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Why do we need a computer funeral?

All good April Fools Day! For a long time did not write anything on Habré, but today, after all, could not resist.
The fact is, we buried the computer today. In the truest sense of the word. They invited a brass band, a professional presenter, made a coffin out of paper, all came in mourning, invited journalists, bought champagne, took everything on video and photos. The answer to the question, why, below.

I'll start from afar. What is for ordinary people IT? Who are the programmers? For most “normal” people, IT is something ephemeral, incomprehensible, something related to computers. Programmers, in the sense of these “normal” people, are overgrown, unshaven, and uninteresting people who speak a “bird’s” language, laughing at jokes that no one understands. However, it’s not for me to explain to you that this is not always the case. Yes, among us there are both reticent, and uncut, and unshaven, but I sincerely believe that there are almost no talented ones among us. I know a lot of IT people. And almost all of them are very talented and creative people. Some of them are keen on music, someone draws, someone writes poetry, and someone engages in extreme sports. And it turns out that "ordinary" people are unfair to us.

In order to convey this idea to the public, we decided to create a new concept and become the first Crazy-IT company. No, this does not mean that we will hire musicians and teach them design patterns, this means that we will do everything to ensure that the brilliant ideas of our employees are implemented. And here is the funeral of the computer? And just April 1st, colleagues, just smile with us. image
UPD The guys mounted video from the ceremony.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56176/

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