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Humanity goes to the level of "tera-"

The era of gigahertz and gigabytes is a thing of the past. Now we have to get used to the prefix "tera-", which means 10 to the 12th degree. The whole world is gradually "tera-rized."

This spring on the mass market will appear the first hard drives of one terabyte (trillion bytes). Naturally, technical progress will not stop there, so soon the mention of gigabytes will be associated only with flash drives, but not with hard drives.

Hard drives are not the only terracing object. Sony loves to repeat that the PlayStation 3 game consoles have a performance of 1.8 teraflops. Boinc, the largest distributed computing engine (it cheats SETI @ home), also performs trillions of calculations per second.
As inflation continues, financiers also increasingly mention trillions of dollars. Not long left to wait for the appearance of the first dollar trillionaire and the first commercial companies with such a capitalization.

via Wired

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/5617/

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