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The volume of spam returned to the level of 94%

In the second half of March, according to Google / Postini statistics , spammers fully restored the volume of junk mailings and returned to the level they had before McColo closed in November 2008. This company was called the main spam hosting of the world, through the server it managed up to 75% of all zombie PCs on the Internet. When it was blocked on November 13, the amount of garbage on the Web dropped sharply by a factor of two to three. However, suppressing spammers is not so easy. Two weeks later, they regained control over the botnets (through other hosting). And now, as statistics show, they have fully restored their lost positions.

The share of garbage in the global mail traffic returned to the November level of 94%. The absolute amount of spam is now growing at an average rate of 1.2% per day.

According to the report, new spam botnets have become more resistant to loss of control, and spam attacks are becoming more sophisticated. For example, “geographic” spam is gaining popularity when a victim is sent to a site, and then its IP address is checked and the site content is modified accordingly (for example, a disaster or disaster near the city of the victim is reported).
The chart shows the average number of blocked spam messages per user Gmail, per day.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56167/

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