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1C-Bitrix launches new product

The company "1C-Bitrix" launches a new product - "1C-Bitrix: Government Management"
The company "1C-Bitrix" announces the release of a new software product "1C-Bitrix: Government Management". To control the state, you no longer need special skills - everything is simple and clear! And most importantly - everything is pre-configured!

The following modules are included in the new product: Power, Law, Budget, Taxes, Business, Treasury, Army, Communications, Economy, Medicine, Culture, Sport.

There are several editions of the state management system:

* Democracy
* Monarchy
* Communism
* Military dictatorship
* Feudalism
* Anarchy
The set of modules varies depending on the selected edition.

“1C-Bitrix: Government Management” allows you to manage several states (commonwealths) at once using a single access panel.

By default, the system includes the following levels of access to state management:

* President - has access to view all modules, can view laws, has limited access to the settings of the modules "Power" and "Economy";
* Prime Minister - has full access to view modules, access rights are easily configured depending on administrator preferences;
* Ministers - have limited access to the system;
* Gray Cardinal - full access to the entire control system;
* Oligarch - VIP-access to the modules "Power", "Budget", "Treasury" (including the subsystem "Gold Reserve");
* People - a temporary demo access only to officially published information.

Protection against spyware attacks and other external and internal threats is provided by a separate module - “Protection of state secrets”.

Today, the demo version of the new product is already being tested in 10 states. Only on April 1, new states receive a 6% discount. Payment is made only in rubles.

UPD: I beg your pardon did not indicate the source .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56156/

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