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Cartoon "Gypsy": On the first of April!

The first of April is a very joyful day for us.
On this day, we happily dismiss someone, send someone for vodka and don’t return the money, schedule a meeting at 8 am and do not come to him, put at the door of the strict watchman, who does not allow anyone without a replacement shoe and sells entrance tickets to everyone employees.

On this day, you can absolutely everything.

On this holiday, the director can call from home and say, “Come to my office urgently.”
On this day, our artists paint funny faces on passports and then paint as punishment the floors in the passport office.
Only on this day is everyone's back white, his face is red and an unusually good mood.

We thought about the fact that on April 1, it is quite an ancient holiday. And of course, our characters could not do without innocent pranks on each other.
On this holiday, of course, we have prepared a small gift for you. Thus, we kill several birds with one stone:

1. Congratulations on the 1st of April.
2. We introduce you to grandfather Baro and Tagar.
3. We assure you that we are still working on the cartoon, no matter what.
4. Show off.
5. We remind you that on this day the studio turns 7 years old. You can congratulate in the comments.

Make fun of each other, laugh at yourself and let your mood be good!

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56147/

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