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Search: Almost RIP

Search service Wikia Search , created by the Wikimedia Foundation, is closed. The original idea, in which users could influence the delivery of results, simply failed at the box office. Over the past six months, Wikia Search "attracted" only 10 thousand unique users per month.

The creator of Wikimedia, Jimmy Wales, commented on the Wikia Search Shatdown: “Traffic goes to hell. In order to reach an acceptable level, we will need another year or two. So now we cannot afford to support the project. We [here Wales explicitly turned on the “optimist”] will return to work on the project when the economic situation improves. ”

Partially, Wikia Search also added Google SearchWiki, launched in November 2008, also allowing users to influence the results of the search.
via techdigest

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56135/

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