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Squeak: Work on the bugs

After my post-tutorial on installing and running Squeak, I was informed about errors that occurred during the process. The errors are as follows:

Therefore, I decided to post a solution to these two problems.


Immediately I will explain why these problems did not arise for me. A bug with installing the FreeType plugin is observed on Windows XP, and I use Ubuntu 8.10 amd64. I failed to notice the bug with the inability to open SqueakMap because, for squeak-dev and squeak-webdev images, the Universe is the recommended source for installing packages. However, in SqueakMap you can find a lot of useful, especially for a beginner. Therefore it is necessary to correct the problem. For this, I installed Windows XP on a virtual machine.

In the future, in my posts, I will not consider the image of squeak-basic, but only squeak-dev, squeak-webdev and Pharo. Just the base image does not contain any installed developer tools.

About the screencasts placed here. Please do not kick your feet - the first time I do it on Linux. I wanted to do better, especially the sound, but Audacity is godlessly buggy, the microphone is constantly cracking and recording fan noise. Plus, out of sync audio and video. After a minute, the voice significantly overtakes the video. And my mouse is godlessly buggy - a double click is constantly working. PS : Video is available in HD

The problem with installing FreeType Plus

I was helped to find a solution to this problem on the squeak-dev mailing list, for which I thank the community. This problem is described in the project’s bugtracker, and the patch is also located there. Below is the code that must be executed to install this patch:
Installer mantis ensureFix: '6980: Loading FFI kernel makes NetNameResolver unresponsive '.

Well, a visual guide.

Download Theora screencast

Problem running SqueakMap in squeak-dev and squeak-webdev

The solution to this problem I did not know. And I decided to find myself. In the future, I will touch upon the debugging issue in Squeak in detail, but for now you can look at the process of finding a solution in the form of a screencast.

Download Theora screencast

UPD: casket opened easier. I found the SMSqueakMap>>purge method, which clears the SqueakMap, and then, clicking on senders , and the DEVImageCreator>>cleanMemory occasion DEVImageCreator>>cleanMemory . The recipe for happiness also lay next:
SMSqueakMap default loadFull

Potential problem for users of 64-bit Linux

Squeak UUIDPlugin is linked to libuuid, so you need to install the appropriate library for 32 bit architecture

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56093/

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