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Russians ask for money for using the toilet on the ISS

In the old days, the atmosphere of harmony and brotherhood reigned on the International Space Station, all the equipment of the station was in common use of all cosmonauts. But these times are over, and now astronauts are forbidden to use "alien" facilities and even eat someone else's food.

On Tuesday, the British Guardian wrote about the “divorce” on the ISS from the words of Honored Russian cosmonaut Gennady Padalki in an interview with Novaya Gazeta. Other Russian media for some reason publish this information on an inaccurate and embellished retelling of the Guardian, without referring to the source.

According to the cosmonaut, in recent years, a “divorce” in orbit is in full swing, and non-Russians are “divorcing” the Americans, as one might expect. "The situation is worse: on the one hand - Russia, on the other - the rest of the ISS partners."

For the first seven years, from 1998 to 2005, Russians and Americans lived in orbit. But then everything changed - and Padalka admitted that the Russian side was the initiator of the “divorce”. In 2003, Moscow decided to put space cooperation on a commercial basis and began to bill other countries for using the ISS resources. The partners responded in the same way, and the cosmonauts aboard the ISS had many completely artificial difficulties and problems.

“For example, a common table always united carriages. You could try any kitchen. The astronauts found something new, and after all, tasty food can improve mood. Now we are supposed to eat only Russian products, and astronauts only American (and European) products, ”says Gennady Padalka. The astronaut explains that this, of course, will not make the people aboard the ISS eat separately: “We are adult people, educated, educated, with our own mind and can create the necessary human climate in space”.

“Soon no one will take us as partners: firstly, because of the“ divorce ”, and secondly, we are not interested in terms of new technologies,” warns the Russian cosmonaut. He notes that every year the technological lag of Russia is becoming more and more noticeable: “The Russian segment (on the ISS - ed.) Is losing much of its comparison with the partner segments. It is all built on technology (at best!) Of the mid-1980s, ”while partners are“ retiring ”before our eyes -“ their modules are light, spacious, silent, a completely different level. ”

The Guardian told the story of a Russian cosmonaut under the sensational headline “Cosmonauts are prohibited to use the toilet on the ISS”, and this title was reprinted by many media not only in Russia - the news of the “battle for the toilet” reached Israel (published, in particular, by NRG-Maariv website ). It may well be that in the current situation Russian cosmonauts are really obliged to use only their “national” toilet, as the British newspaper writes. However, Gennady Padalka did not say anything about this in an interview with Novaya Gazeta.

Taken from here .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56062/

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