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Man will sooner or later become immortal.

This opinion comes a lot of experts. A huge number of medical professionals, geneticists, biologists, chemists around the world are currently working on the problem of aging, and the first encouraging results have already been obtained. Fruit flies Drosophila, laboratory mice in a number of experiments have lived several times longer than the period allotted to them by mother nature. The next person in line.

According to experts, people under the age of 40 have all the chances to live to a time when the duration of a person will be increased several times, or even completely unlimited.

I have always been interested in questions: For whom are scientists trying? How do they represent the life of immortal humanity? What is waiting for our biosphere? Will it (biosphere) withstand powerful anthropogenic pressure from the side of immortal humanity?

I already wrote that a person will acquire immortality more likely virtual than physical and the matter is not only that high technologies develop much faster.
Let's imagine a situation that in the future a person still became physically immortal, what new problems will be confronting humanity.

Whom do immortal? All or only outstanding, useful to society people (famous scientists, doctors, etc.). If only the elect are made immortal, then among them, along with really useful people, will be the powerful of the world (politicians and "money bags"), and this can cause social discontent.
To make all the inhabitants of the Earth immortal, then the main problems may be overpopulation and the final depletion of the planet’s resources (even the development of the resources of other planets will not save). Obviously, in this case, humanity will be forced to abandon biological reproduction. People will have to legally prohibit reproducing (which is unlikely) or even forcibly sterilize people upon reaching the age of puberty. Initially, the instinct of reproduction tightly "sewn" in our DNA. I'm not sure that it will be so easy for a person to abandon motherhood and fatherhood. Life for a person can lose all meaning.

The accidental death of some people as a result of accidents or diseases will continue to take place, which means that certain structures controlling the population of the Earth will issue quotas for the birth of new members of humanity (again, a wide field for abuse). You can of course do this randomly. Pre-select the sex products of people and place them in storage, and then randomly select samples of sperm and eggs.

It is clear that in this case the political structure of the world should be radically changed, it simply should not remain a state, otherwise it will simply be impossible to control the population. States subject to superpower ambitions will try to increase their population in the event of a potential confrontation with another power (the population for any state is an important resource that determines its economic and political status). The likelihood that humanity will mature to abandon the state division in the next hundreds of years is approaching zero. In other words, humanity will simply not be ready for the appearance of physical immortality.

One of the most serious obstacles to the physical immortality of man is also limited resources. However, this problem is extremely relevant for non-immortal humanity.
A person's life, taking into account all its requirements in the physical shell, is extremely resource- and energy-consuming. A person needs tasty food, beautiful and comfortable clothes, fast and reliable transport, precise electronics, and so on. The list goes on and on. And this list of "necessary" things is increasing every year. We need too much. So, the production of one hamburger takes about 2400 liters of water (if we take into account the cost of water at all stages of production, from growing livestock and vegetables to baking the final product), not to mention electricity, and this can be said literally about any subject that surrounds us. So far we have little thought about this, since there are plenty of resources on our planet, and what will happen in the future when 20 billion “immortal” people live on Earth? How long will humanity be able to “glam”? Agree, to live forever, deny yourself everything - this is not exactly what we expected from immortality.

In addition to physical immortality, some scientists admit the possibility of obtaining "cybernetic immortality." I have already done the assumption about how this will happen, so I will not repeat.

Everyone knows that digital devices are much more economical and smaller in size than analog ones. This is the very thing that concerns the “virtual life” of a person. The “digital life” of a person with his unlimited inquiries will be “cheaper” for our biosphere with its extremely limited resources than the “analogue life”.

The man has already entered the warpath with his main "disease" and is unlikely to get off it. When and in what form humanity will acquire the “elixir of immortality,” time will tell. The main thing is that humanity be ready for cardinal changes.

A.V. Yegoshin

via priroda.su

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56056/

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