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Spotify - more than 10 million legal music tracks for free *

Spotify is a legal service for listening to music, founded in Sweden in 2006 and became open to public on October 7, 2008. More than 10 million tracks of known labels are available to users. The base of songs is actively growing, and there are also music from groups such as AC / DC, The Beatles, Metallica, Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd. The number of registered users currently exceeds 1 million.
In the light of recent events (paid subscription to Last.fm ), interest in Spotify has grown noticeably.
Until February 10, 2009, it was possible to register for free only by invite. Now there are three types of subscriptions:


Program Overview

The program interface is somewhat reminiscent of iTunes:
It's nice to see that developers keep up with the times and use the color scheme in the style of the latest Apple apps (the “Marble” theme). The client works fairly quickly, for all the time the delay was used, he noticed only a couple of times. All music is encoded using the Vorbis q5 codec with an average bitrate of about 160 kilobits / sec (better than that of last.fm, by the way), so the channel of 256 kilobits should be enough for sure. It works on the principle of Peer-to-Peer - when listening to music is stored in the cache and distributed as it is needed to other users, which generates outgoing traffic, commensurate with the incoming. As a consequence, it is useful to have at least 500 megabytes of free space during installation. Among the functions of the program is available radio:
As you can see, it provides enough convenient functionality to select the genre of music from different years (starting from the 50s and earlier). Playlists are supported, there are even sites with ready-made playlists - 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 . You can make a link to the song and give it to a friend, or for some reason put it on the desktop and show off. Take a look at the search:
Search in Spotify is smart enough and you can search for different tags of songs. In order not to memorize every time how to write a request correctly, we use this site. Let's look at the settings:
In addition to the cache size and other settings, we notice Last.fm! We enter our login password there and all the music you have listened to successfully scrobbles to your last.fm account.

No matter how many Spotify computers are installed, you can only listen to music from one.
The program is available for Windows , Mac OS X and Linux (with the help of Wine - instruction ).

check in

The service only checks IP registrations, so we only need to change our IP once and enjoy access further. Of course, you can simply move to the UK or other countries where free registration is available, or find a proxy for these countries, but we will use the wonderful surf7.info site, follow this link and finally get a precious rule. When specifying the index, we will not try to stay in the basement of a long-demolished house, but we will use this link and choose the hotel that suits us - what can we do about trifles) Then we download the program and listen to the music. Or do not listen.

It is necessary to make a reservation that there are cases when the program decides to check your IP (or think of something else). In this situation, it is enough to go to the site through a proxy and confirm that you are a man-lightning and know how to move around the world at a breakneck pace. You will believe and return access.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56015/

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