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Java vs .NET on Win2k

On the advice of a kind person, rodem decided to use Paraffin when creating an installation for WiX (described in my previous post).

But, quite unexpectedly, I ran into a problem - Paraffin requires .NET 3.5 to work, and the maximum .NET that I can put on the build machine (for licensing reasons is Win2k) - .NET 2.0

Of course, the source code with the Solution file for Visual Studio is attached to paraffin, and it is quite possible that it can be rebuilt to work with .NET 2.0 - only I’m afraid I don’t have enough time for all this.
Again, in no case are you going to arrange another dispute which is cooler - Java or .NET (I think both are good for their tasks).

Another interesting thing is why Java works on Win2k including the latest versions (I haven’t tried 7-ku-well, it’s not in production yet) -and .NET settled on a rather ancient 2.0 (although both .NET and Windows are developed by the same company and, it would seem, to ensure compatibility is much easier)?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55997/

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