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In Russia, will take up online music stores

The company ChronoPay, processing payments on bank cards on the Internet, from April 1, 2007, will stop serving online stores that sell music in mp3 format.

ChronoPay will continue to work only with stores that have received a license from NP FAIR (Federation of copyright holders for the collective management of copyright when using works in an interactive mode). Now many sites implement music on the basis of a license from the Russian Society for Multimedia and Digital Networks (ROMS), a company that does not make deductions to the copyright holders. In addition, a ChronoPay spokesman said that the company will not work with stores that have both licenses.

According to ChronoPay itself, 95 percent of payments for music on the Internet go through this company. In particular, it serves such resources as Allofmp3.com, Alltunes.com and Mp3sugar.com. Now three options are offered to shops: obtain a license from NP FAIR, refusing to work with ROMS, enter into direct agreements with record companies or use the services of other processing companies.
According to "Kommersant"

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/5599/

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