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Questions for Haakon Lee, Yona Hicks and Molly Holzschlag (Opera Software)

Trying to keep promises and maintain a glorious tradition, we again found interesting interviewees to ask them interesting questions.

We are glad to announce that Habr's readers have the opportunity to ask questions to representatives of Opera Software . Technical director Håkon Wium Lie , web evangelist Molly Holzschlag and chief designer Jon Hicks agreed to kindly participate in a collective interview.

Here are some interesting facts for those who see these names for the first time:

Ask your questions, as usual, in the comments, just do not forget to indicate who you are asking the question . Somewhere by the end of the week we will collect them, filter them and send them to our respondents. Answers will be published in the same blog.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55989/

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