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Room Terminators: Rise of the Toys

As you know, laziness is the engine of progress. And so many things in the process of evolution tolerate global change. So, for example, we already get fire with a lighter, and not with a strike of stones against each other, and in order to catch a fish you don’t have to dig worms. But our laziness is limitless, so we are constantly trying to automate routine work. And if earlier we admired Electronica and Terminator, now we have few of them. And in this regard, I have prepared a special review of home robots in order to have a clear idea of ​​what progress has been made.

Tamoychi 21st century
Cute hamsters and parrots are in the past. Now, entering the “Living Area” do not be surprised at the appearance of electronic exotic on the windows.

Robot - I-CYBIE dog
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And barks and bites, and rushes at passers-by. Cute electronic dog breed I-CYBIE endowed with artificial intelligence, which allows her to have a unique character that you instill in her from childhood. Yes, this animal completely imitates its living analogue, and goes all the way from a puppy to an adult dog. Saibi divides people into two groups: the host and the rest. And if the i-dog resigns to the host, having heard in any language one of eight predetermined commands, the rest will have to sweat to attract the attention of the robot. Having mastered a dog in the apartment, it will start joyfully greeting the paw, showing tricks, reacting to what is happening, and also expressing one's opinion and mood with the help of various movements. Having got the second electronic friend of the breed I-CYBIE - the dogs will happily communicate with each other via infrared rays. And as soon as Saibi feels tired, she will independently go on connecting to the recharging.
Price: from 9000 rubles

Robot - Dinosaur Pleo

Fans of the film “Night at the Museum” is dedicated. A completely autonomous dinosaur recognizing no commands other than On / off. The representative of the Jurassic period of 20 cm in height and weighing about 1.3 kg interacts with the surrounding flora / fauna as he wants. Shaping his behavior with the help of communication, he expresses his emotions through sounds and movements. Walking around the room Pleo can: cough, wag a tail, sigh, yawn, sneeze, blink, and make all the natural peaceful movements that his living fellows did. Depending on the situation, the dinosaur may show anger, pleasure, playfulness, hunting, love, etc. The main surprise from the creators was the “organic movement”, i.e. A tired dinosaur will behave more passively than a newly awakened one. All this contributes to the technical insides Pleo, the number of which is simply amazing:
38 sensors
9 contact sensors
Tilt sensors
Stereo sound
Infrared vision
Light detection
And the life of a dinosaur from recharging to recharging is as much as 4 hours.
Price: from 14,000 rubles

Transformer Rulezz
If earlier you had to move your arms and legs to the main character of the Transformers cartoon series, now you can relax in an armchair with a bottle of beer, enjoying the revival of childhood heroes.

Robosapien v2

One of the most interesting models on the market available robots. The main feature of this instance is the possibility of its programming. So if the default tricks you quickly get bored, then you can easily teach him your trademark chips. Moreover, if your girlfriend went to her grandmother, and friends are in the binge, then with the help of a laser pointer you will be able to walk with Robosapien down the street without fear of maniacs and hooligans. After all, our room terminator besides the functions of getting up, sitting, dancing, playing bowling, also likes to throw objects. A large size: 600 x 200 x 350 mm gives the robot a very non-comic look. The only minus of Robosapiens is manual battery replacement.

Price: from 9000 rubles

Future housekeepers

At the lecture on philosophy, you constantly reason: “To do this - to do nothing ...”? Do not worry, they have already made everything for you.

Robot - Vacuum Cleaner RV-2

A wireless professional in sucking wool, sand, dust, and other undesirable garbage in your apartment moves around the house on its own in search of pollution. The energy of 12 rechargeable AA batteries is enough for an hour of general cleaning. And provided that the price of the robot is approximately equal to the price of an ordinary vacuum cleaner - the advantages of the RV-2 are obvious. Package Includes:
Battery compartment for 12 rechargeable AA batteries
Dust collector
Dust retention paper holder
Dust retention paper
Rechargeable batteries type "AA"
Voltage transformer
The only thing you now have to do is clean the dust container and charge the batteries.

Price: from 4000 rubles

Robot - guard BANRYU

One of the latest achievements of technology - security robot BANRYU in the absence of the owners takes the house under control. Checking its territory, the robot reacts to various changes in the apartment, new smells, and at the slightest doubt about the danger instantly sends an alarm signal to the mobile host. Remote control via mobile, allows the owner at any time to connect to the robot and get a clear image from home thanks to the 360g overview of the built-in camera. The size of BANRYU is quite impressive: 650 x 630 x 900mm, so buying an electronic guard makes sense when it is settled, say in a country house. Interestingly, the robot is equipped with 256 MB of memory and the Windows 98 SE operating system, and it communicates with it using a microphone and a loudspeaker. So it won't be boring.

Price: $ 18,000

Robot - servant Maron-1

The main feature of this model is the function of control of household appliances, whether it be an air conditioner or a VCR. Small dimensions (32x36x32 cm) with a small weight (5kg) make it possible to use the robot without any problems even in the conditions of a one-room apartment. According to its functions, Maron-1 reminds BANRYU: sending an alarm signal to the host, live broadcast of the picture to a mobile phone from home, remote control. Communication with the robot takes place via a touchscreen LCD screen running Windows CE 3.0. Ten hours of work without recharging, without problems, will be enough for the robot to play with the children, give a call to a friend, and turn off the computer after you leave.

Price: $ 2500

F1 is resting
Are you a second year diligently saving up for nine? Forget - in the near future no one will understand you on such a machine. I offer you a fashionable, alternative means of transportation.

Driving robot R-7

With the advent of this unit, the question “Who is following Klinsky?” Will be a huge queue of volunteers. Despite not a high maximum speed of 2.5 km, Robo Avto is ideal for mushrooming and street racing with agricultural equipment. Single room
the vehicle is controlled by a joystick, where you can not only choose the direction, but also the type of walking, depending on the terrain. As popular wisdom says: you go slower - you will continue.
Price: from 5000 $

The end
Looking at the models of robots improving each year, it is not at ease that you begin to think about the uprising of machines. Perhaps it will be, but until artificial intelligence has not reached this, I suggest everyone to relax and enjoy how our electronic worker performs the draft party tasks.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/5598/

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