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Java in AppEngine / Java cloud computing

I have 2 news, both good:
appengine logo On April 7, Google will tell something interesting to the people. Most likely, about Java support on AppEngine. Michael Arrington writes about this in two articles on www.techcrunch.com
References to the originals: Big Google Product Announcement Coming April 7
Get Ready For Java On AppEngine
Where did he get the information and how reliable is it - an open question.

stax logo Reading articles encouraged me to visit www.stax.net
The company is engaged in cloud computing in Java. They position themselves as AppEngine for Java.
On their website, you can register and create your project in Java, which will be physically in the Amazon. So far free

In order to test everything locally you can and do not register.
To run the SDK, set the JAVA_HOME variable (I, for some reason, had not set the variable for some reason with the jdk installer, had problems with stax sdk)
Not yet released SDK 0.2.17, in which problems with groovy / are solved, new bugs may have been added
Current SDK Release 0.2.16

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55947/

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