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Python translates to Mercurial

Today, Guido van Rossum decided to transfer Python from SVN to Mercurial . It is expected that the replacement of VCS on DVCS will be completed by the summer.

Guido, like many other programmers, has obvious advantages of DVCS . Therefore, Git, Bazaar and Mercurial were candidates.

Git was abandoned first. The fact is that this system, despite the multitude of users, causes strong dislikes for some developers. By the way, Git is written in C and is used to manage the development of the Linux kernel. The two remaining DVCS are implemented on python.
Mercurial showed better performance and was subjectively simpler for SVN users. It is also much more popular with Python developers, with the exception, however, of Canonical employees.

PS A good cycle of articles about Mercurial for those interested: introduction , basics and extensions .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55937/

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