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Hook of intentionally obsolete things

Another quote from Papanek about the obsolescence of things.

“Industry has indulged society’s desire for everything new and unprecedented. The confusion of technology and the artificial whipping up of consumer whims has created sinister twins: modernization and obsolescence.

There are three types of obsolescence:
  1. technological (opens a new or more elegant way of doing things),
  2. material (wear thing),
  3. artificial (the thing is doomed to premature death in advance; either the material is nonstandard and will wear out in a predictable period of time, or the main parts cannot be replaced or repaired).

Since World War II, the greatest attention has been paid to stylistic and artificial obsolescence. ”

What does that remind me of? Yes, Apple products it reminds me! Now I look at the iPhone now and I understand that the designers of the epple read his criticism very, very, very carefully and did exactly what he opposed. After all, all this criticism is aimed at making a profit, but how can a commercial organization abandon it?

Daddy, apparently, believed that things should change only when it pushes one of the walls of the Triad of Restraints prison (read about this post on my website of March 28). Otherwise, manufacturers put us on the hook of our own desires. How to resist it?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55925/

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