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Pict.com is a new version of image hosting.


Today a new version of free image hosting Pict.com has been launched.
We hope that the updated Pict.com will be liked by Habravchanam.


1. Registration. Now you can create a personal account on
Pict.com and use our service
from any hosting. Of course, you can still use
service without registration.

2. Albums. For registered users a feature is available.
albums with which you can
organize convenient storage of images.

3. Pict Uploader. Convenient program under Windows. Lets quickly
take necessary screenshots
(full, active window, selected area) and upload them to Pict.com.

4. Pict Firefox Plugin. Actually plugin for Firefox. Allows
quickly and easily upload images to pict.com and
make various screenshots (including a full screenshot of the open page).

Pict Uploader and Pict Firefox Plugin can be found here

Currently hosting is in beta testing.
Soon it is planned to launch a few more very interesting pieces.

We ask Habravchan to test / criticize our service.

Thank you all in advance!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55918/

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