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Journalists, with respect, about Wikipedia

Wikipedia is one of the most visited sites in the world, one of the most popular projects, a huge free encyclopedia. At the same time, companies are less and less informed about large transactions, and writing is necessary, the project is full of life, worthy of a description in any publication: in children’s, scientific, popular - anywhere.
At the same time, of course, I want to write about a large project well. In general, you should always want to write well, but it turns out - not always (for example, this note, it seems, is posted in a personal habrablog, but you still want to write well, but nobody taught you how); in order to write about Wikipedia well, you need, first, not to make at least the following errors:

In fact, I am happy if the title is obvious at the first reading. Especially the last point. But just in case, I will explain.

1) There is no Russian Wikipedia (and there is no Russian one)
Site ru.wikipedia.org - Wikipedia section in Russian . It sounds long, but for sure. The site does not apply to the Russian Federation, and create it is not only Russian people. The task of Wikipedia is the collection of all the knowledge of mankind in all languages , and not "in all countries."
The geography of the creators of ruwiki can be estimated here .

2) Wikipedia does not report and does not inform
Every Wikipedia article has at least one author. Most of the articles of the draft authors - many; Moreover, some of them are programs ... To say "In the US, about 10 patients per 100,000 people suffer, Wikipedia writes," or "... the wing of the Islamist Prosperity Party banned in Turkey, Wikipedia writes" is incorrectly strange; exaggerating, "the fence writes that Sasha loves Tanya."
3) Wikipedia is not the author of the photos
Approximately for the above reason, it is sad to see the caption "Photo: frigate Klakring (en.wikipedia.org)".
Each photo on Wikipedia has its own page. For example, the photo displayed here, visible in this article, has a page that says that the author of the photo is André Zahn, and he published the photo under the license CC-BY-SA-2.0-DE.
It is especially important not to make this mistake because no media wants to violate other people's copyrights if it values ​​the license; to give a link only to Wikipedia, without specifying the author and, often, changing the license under which the photo is distributed - copyright infringement. In addition, looking at the photo page, you can suddenly discover that it is copyrighted, and is used in special provisions in Wikipedia.

4) Do not confuse Wikipedia, Wikimedia, Mediawiki and Wiki
Wikipedia is an encyclopedia open for everyone to read and edit. The name is derived from the words "wiki" and "encyclopedia"
The Wikimedia Foundation is an organization that collects and spends money on Wikipedia and a number of friendly projects.
Mediawiki is the engine on which Wikimedia Foundation projects, including Wikipedia.
Wiki is a technology that uses the engine on which Wikimedia Foundation projects, including Wikipedia.

In general, it seems, that's all, the terrible mistakes ended there. It seems to me simple.
You can also say that the authors of Wikipedia are not paid a salary and there is no censorship, but then these tips will certainly not be suitable for all publications, as promised at the beginning - there are also fans of scandals; the ethical mistakes that they make are right, non-enumerable, which means you should not try.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55905/

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