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The most appetizing web design

The results of the educational and practical competition project were summed up, during which students from the I-3 group of the Internet Technologies Management specialization at the State University of Management together with the designers from the 2008 DIS group of the British Design School developed a prototype website for the Rublev Restaurant.

For this, six teams were formed, each of which had to offer its own version of the finished website design, requiring only programming and layout. The composition of the teams was mixed: each included several managers and designers. The most successful, in the opinion of the customer and the jury of the competition, the design option received a “start in life” - financing the owner of the restaurant for further development. In addition, the winning team was invited by the restaurateur to his restaurant to celebrate their victory in the competition.

To make the task assigned to the developers more understandable, it is worth saying a few words about the restaurant itself. Its location is not too conducive to the intensive influx of customers: the third floor of a large shopping center near Kuntsevo. Therefore, accessing the Internet as the main channel of attraction looks like a reasonable decision. By the way, the restaurant already has its own website, which, however, is not too successfully coping with its tasks. There is a children's entertainment center not far from the restaurant, so the owner of the restaurant decided to position his establishment as a restaurant for children's and family parties. At the same time, he is also not going to lose employees of the nearest offices that come to the restaurant for business lunches. According to the owner, it is also important to tell about the possibility of delivering ready meals to residents of nearby areas. Taking into account all the above, the participants of the competition had to work.
The project took place from February 6 to March 13: the deadlines are quite tight, taking into account that most of the time free from the main work was occupied by most of the participants in education. Without any “prior agreement”, each project team went its own way of developing. And within each team, the relations of the participants evolved according to different scenarios: from complete understanding to conflict of interest. Not all six teams submitted their draft to the jury. In one of the groups at the stage of discussing design options, it was decided to stop working together in the competition. The leader of the group, Christina Kiryakhno, commented on the situation in the following way: “The lack of a clear understanding of the areas of responsibility of the design team members predetermined the failure of the project at the initial stages of its development.” As a result, five presentations were discussed at the final meeting with the customer:

* Designers: Olga Kutovaya, Natalya Maksimova, Lyudmila Solovey, Artem Ferdzhulyan.
Managers: Evgenia Chudinova, Tatiana Mayorova, Vladimir Stolyarov, Vahan Oganesyan, Nikita Lyutov, Natalia Dyachenko.

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The design option of this particular group won the competition. Olga Kutovaya, one of the designers, told about what they were guided by when developing their own version, and how the collaboration with the managers went: “Our main task was to make a design that would most accurately fit for this particular Rublev restaurant.” As a result, the design turned out juicy, appetizing and at the same time giving the impression of an accessible and open institution. For our first meeting, the managers have already prepared for us a brief, and a little later all the materials on the project. Working in a group is always difficult, but we have a great team, and we quickly found a common language with the managers. I would especially like to mention Evgeny Chudinov for full involvement in the project. We developed the design, and while working, the managers made their amendments to the functional part. Not a single menu item was left unattended. ”

* Designers: Dmitry Fatyunin, Vika Onischuk, Evgeny Labuzov.
Managers: Katerina Baukina, Lyudmila Sokolova, Svetlana Shemyak, Mikhail Zimin, Alexey Ruban, Ruslan Murakaev.

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The group presented a light, not overloaded and rather dynamic option, the main actor of which was the joke Petrushka. Relationships in the team evolved quite smoothly and classically: a clear formulation of tasks, proposals of designers, discussions with quite lively disputes, and as a result - the preparation of viable design.

Group leader Katerina Baukina commented: “I really liked designer Anton Yarusov, who criticized our work. Competently and clearly indicated the pros and cons. And our customer is also great, a cool restaurateur - thanks for the sane classic customer. Classic because the site is needed, and the client does not believe at all that it will be a business tool. I can not say that I liked our design, but I can not say that I did not like it. The customer really liked the design, but he was embarrassed by our Parsley. It was because of Petrushka that the design was rejected. For the rest - it seemed to me everything is very beautiful, bright and professional. And we had good designers, we even made friends and exchanged contacts, so that we could work on real projects, when the guys from British would be freer. ”

The same, mostly, positive impressions were caused by the work on the project by one of the project designers Dmitry Fatyunin: “I liked both the TK and the human cooperation. As for the design, we tried to move away from the pattern, equated to the interior design, its simplicity and light colors. In general, the design did not have time to finish - you need to unify all the elements, then unity will appear in the design, and you can talk about the corporate style. ”

* Designers: Maxim Yakhontov, Vladimir Kukhar, Eva Karpova, Anastasia Nekrasova.
Managers: Vadim Malych, Alexander Sopenko, Dmitry Rudyka, Andrey Mamontov, Alexander Kuznetsov, Ekaterina Sergeeva, Dmitry Vlaskin.

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This group turned out to be one of the best-working. An important role in this was played, apparently, by a always-positive group leader, Vadim Malych. He also positively assessed the work after its completion: “I believe that the project’s purpose was not only to make the website design or work with the designers, but to try to rally the team of few familiar people in a short time, to find a common language, to choose the optimal form of work, and most importantly - to enjoy this project. Although the result was, in my opinion, remarkable: the designers of our group worked by 5 points! And, as far as I know, now they agree to finalize this option for any other restaurant so that such a wonderful creative will not disappear. So contact if interested! Thanks again for this project. Personally, he gave me a huge amount of positive emotions, an excellent practical experience, as close as possible to reality. And most importantly, our study group has become united: not managers and designers, but one friendly, fun, just a wonderful group. Thank you for this wonderful experience! ”

* Designers: Irina Goroh, Veronika Levitskaya, Maxim Vulfson.
Managers: Irina Sushon, Denis Kolosov, Vladimir Tatarnikov.

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Eared plate - this is the main graphic image in the version of this group. As a result, the design was fun, stylish, dynamic and kind. It seems that with the stated goal of attracting to the restaurant “a modern happy family with children that likes to spend time together and with benefits” - such a website will cope with ease. Irina Sushon, group leader, shared her impressions of the project: “I personally liked this competition very much. I liked the fact that I provided an opportunity to participate in a real project with real tasks and in real conditions! In contrast to the usual practical work in other universities, he did not leave behind a draft of “isolation from life” and “uselessness”. We had a great team, working in which was interesting and enjoyable. We managed to develop a beautiful design: thanks to the guys who did it. And we had excellent experts on the jury of the competition: the process of discussing our version turned out to be no less useful in professional terms than the process of development. I will be happy to participate in such projects further! ”

* Designers: Evgeny Chunikhin, Polina Ryazantseva, Yulia Li.
Managers: Madina Ishmukhamedova, Lev Gavrilov, Nikolay Belousov, Oksana Svistula, Sergey Farafontov, Marina Kashcheeva.

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In its version, this group focused on interaction with visitors, a certain “interactivity” - the site’s design uses photographs of the restaurant’s guests. This solution is successful not only from the point of view of design itself, but also as a marketing ploy to attract customers and increase their loyalty.

This is how Madina Ishmukhamedova, the leader of the group, described the main idea of ​​her design: “We want to create affection for the restaurant. There are many ways that famous brands do it. One of them is to photograph visitors and hang pictures on the restaurant’s walls (as in the “American Bar and Grill”). Just a photo of ordinary satisfied people - visitors to the restaurant. The best photos from the site could be placed on the board at the entrance to Rublev - that would be very modern, and would also distinguish Rublev from other faceless cafes and restaurants. ” Another distinctive feature of the project of this group was the proposed version of the site design for mobile devices.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55901/

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