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Internet in container

image To the question "How to save three petabytes of data?" (3,145,728 GB), Sun clearly answers: "You need to put the entire Internet archive in a data center located in a metal container that is convenient for transportation."

This was done on March 27, when the non-profit organization Internet Archive and Sun agreed to transfer all the archived information to the data center (Modular Datacenter) of the latter company. In addition to almost all web pages created during the existence of the World Wide Web, the popular Wayback Machine will be hosted in the new archive, allowing you to see how a particular site looked in the past.

Despite the fact that today the archive exists on the architecture created specifically for it, Sun decided to transfer all data to the Sun Fire x4500 (Thumper) servers running Solaris 10 OS, the file system: ZFS. In the opinion of Sun, whose experience can be trusted, this will make it possible to add to the archive monthly 100Tb, on which the global network grows.
Meanwhile, on the Sun website, you can go through a virtual tour of the data center in a container and learn many other equally interesting facts about Sun Modular Datacenter.

Sun via Gizmodo via ArsTechnica

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55894/

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