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Last lecture

image By: Randy Pausch
Series: Psychology. Foreign bestseller
Publisher: Eksmo, 2008 Dust jacket, 288 pages.
ISBN 978-5-699-30274-1
Circulation: 30,000 copies. Format: 75x108 / 32

In the leading universities of the world such a type of lectures is widespread, when a speaker in a concentrated form should give the “last piece of advice” to students from the height of his multifaceted experience. The painful truthfulness of this lecture is that the author, Randy Pausch , an IT pioneer, a professor at Carnegie Mellon University, in the last months of his life has realized many of his dreams and actively fought not only for his life, but also for the intensification of cancer research. Only after reading the book, many nuances of previously seen video appearances available on the Internet become clear.

Wikipedia - about the author, links to videos.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55887/

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