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Mobify - Mobile Publishing Service

Mobify - Mobile Publishing Service
Mobile access to the Web is growing at a fantastic pace - about 20% per month. More and more consumers buy smartphones and go to their favorite sites - social networks, news resources and blogs. The problem is that if the site is not optimized for mobile access, the user will not be satisfied and may not return to you again. Even browsers like Opera Mini / Safari cannot significantly bring the site interface closer to convenient mobile portals like http://m.facebook.com or http://m.espn.com . Website optimization for mobile screens should be the prerogative of the web designer.

What to do? You can create a separate mobile site such as .mobi - this negatively affects SEO and often does not justify time costs. You can ask your developer to write (and maintain) a module for mobile rendering, which again is quite laborious. You can make a simple page for reading rss-feeds, but at the present time this is not enough - you need a search, you need comments, you need many of those functions that exist in the full version of your site.

I want to introduce you to Mobify - a service for creating “mobile projections” - light versions of existing sites. Using Mobify, any web designer can quickly place a mobile version of his project on the same domain (m.site.com) without having to download or install anything.

How Mobify works - http://mobify.me

  1. Open your website in our web application at mobify.me
  2. Click on the blocks that should be visible to mobile users. Repeat the process for 2-3 basic patterns.
  3. Adjust the CSS so that everything looks beautiful. All CSS classes remain unchanged.

That's all - it now remains to specify the DNS CNAME pointer m.site.com => you.mobify.me and put JavaScript for the detection of mobile phones on your main site. You have a fully-featured mobile version - working 10-100 times faster, recognizing thousands of different phones and automatically synchronizing with the source site. Mobify supports sessions, cookies and POST / GET requests.

Examples of sites using Mobify:

The project is being developed in Vancouver by an international team, based on django, GAE, EC2. We recently launched Mobify - I would like to hear your feedback before TechCrunch and others like us write about us!

Thanks for attention,

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55845/

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