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Yandex.Direct has made friends with LiveInternet

In issuing LiveInternet, a new remarkable report appeared - called “direct.yandex.ru”. Works as follows:

- if you are advertising in Yandex.Direct, you can enable the option "external Internet statistics" in the settings of the advertising campaign. It is very nice that the option was made specifically for the advertising campaign, and not for the account or a separate ad;
- search queries that were passed from Yandex to you disappear from the report “navigation by search phrases” and appear in the “direct.yandex.ru” report.

Unfortunately, it is unclear how this system is combined with Google Analytics tags. For the test, in my old campaign, in which all the ads were marked for Google, I turned on the option "external Internet statistics". When you click on this link from the issuance of Yandex, it is clear that the Google tags remain, but new ones are not added. In the LiveInternet report on Yandex.Direct, no information about the perfect transition appeared.
According to Yandex announcement, this option is also available in SpyLog.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/5584/

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