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Do they steal passwords from google mail?

I use the gmail box for a long time and intensively. Bought even 10G extra space. I am writing 10-30 letters per working day. Most have 1-3 recipients.

Got a letter:
Google Mail Team <admin@google-antispam.com>
to me
date March 29, 2009 18:05
topic Attention!

Your account is granted in the mass distribution of spam.
In order to confirm that you are not a spamming program, please follow up on this page
http: // go ogle.co m / accoun ts / serv icelogin.php? service = m ail & passive = true <mpl = d efault <mplcache = 2 & hl = uk
Otherwise, your mailbox will soon be deleted.
Admin Gmail.com

The link leads to the address of the phishing page

By reference, imitation of the login window. Be careful, this has nothing to do with Google.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55832/

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