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New service for notification of your personal status-Tag For Me

My friends brothers Amir and Ron Sherm asked here, on the Russian-language website for Web 2.0 number one in RuNet, to promote their new development - http://tagfor.me


The service is elementary, in my opinion the idea is close to ingenious, although I don’t know how they are going to promote it.
So suppose you have several blogs.
You put on them on all the small HTML code of the widget - and in one motion you can show your personal status everywhere, like “I am now fishing” and so on-well, like in ICQ or Skype.

An example of how such a widget looks like, you can see here.

For those who are inconvenient to go every time to the site, there is a tiny client for any Windows, written on Delphi, you can update the status through it.

Look like that's it :)

As I said, in terms of business they have a rather controversial project in my opinion, but the idea is not bad ...

If anyone has any feedbacks, you can write to me here as well, and you can send them to the brothers right away via the feedback button on the main page.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55831/

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