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China will have 200 million Internet users by 2010

By 2010, the number of Internet users in China will reach 200 million people, predicts the Ministry of Informatics of the People's Republic of China. The coverage rate of the World Wide Web in the country will be 15% of the population.

At the end of 2006, Internet users in China were about 137 million. At the same time, there was a significant difference in the rates of internetization of the city and village - in cities, the penetration rate is 6.5 times higher.

According to the Xinhua news agency, this year the country plans to create a single mechanism of state control on the Internet. The need for such a system is dictated, according to Chinese officials, by the dynamic development of Internet technologies, including telephony and television on the Web.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/5583/

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