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Students practical training

At Habré there are many students who will have an internship in the summer. Some of us will pass it formally, some will go to uninteresting positions, and only a few will find an interesting job in their specialty. And due to the crisis, it became even more difficult for a student to find a job in a specialty. On the other hand, there are representatives of companies in Habré who would like to get future specialists on favorable terms. It would be nice if people from these two groups find each other.

I suggest that all those who have not yet decided on the practice write in the comments about themselves in the following format: course, interest position, city.

If you are a company representative, write to what position you are looking for people, what city you are in, as well as any other information you deem necessary. Or write to students who have already been noted in the comments.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55826/

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