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They just don't want to work well.

In one workshop at the enterprise of Charles Schwab worked a certain chief, whose workers could not cope with the shift task. Schwab was perplexed: “How did it happen that such a capable person as you could not get the job done?” The engineer answered the owner: “I don’t understand myself. I tried to persuade them, and urged them on, and scolded them, tore and threw, threatened to curse them and then be fired. But the results have not been. They just don't want to work well. ”

This dialogue took place at the end of the working day, just before the arrival of the night shift.
“Give me a piece of chalk,” Schwab asked. Then he addressed the nearest worker with the question: how many heats did your shift give today? ”
Schwab, without another word, painted a large number “six” on the floor with chalk and left. When the workers came to the workshop from the second shift, they saw a figure drawn on the floor and asked what it meant. “The master himself came today,” answered the workers of the day shift. “He asked how much we gave for the change of heats, we answered that six. He wrote it in chalk on the floor. ”

The next morning, Schwab returned to the foundry. Night shift erased the "six", and in return it wrote a large "seven". When the workers of the day shift came, they also saw the figure “seven” drawn on the floor. So, does night shift work better than day time? Well, they will show them! The workers enthusiastically set to work, and in the evening, leaving, they painted “ten” with chalk on the floor.

It took quite a bit of time, and this shop was the first at the factory for the shift production.
© from the book of the famous American psychologist Dale Carnegie.

ps I'd add. Any approach, any technique does not cancel, and certainly does not replace, the need to use the brain. The topic is just a graphic illustration of how a simple publication of information about labor productivity can raise this very performance.

A particular method is bad or good is always determined by where and how it is used.

upd: Charles Schwab (1862-1939)
Born in Pennsylvania in a German Catholic family. Attended classes at St. Francis College, but was forced to leave school. He got to the Carnegie Steel plant as a simple worker, he rose to the presidency, which he took in 35 years. He was considered Carnegie's favorite (Andrew, an entrepreneur, a multi-millionaire steel industrialist, not the fact that he wrote a book - note by the author of the topic) and a protégé of the wife of a steel magnate. He was an intermediary in the negotiations on the sale of the company to J.P. Morgan, after the completion of the transaction, he took over as president of US Steel. After several quarrels with the new owner, he retired and moved to the Bethleham Steel Company, turned the company into the second largest steel producer in the United States. After the stock crisis of 1929, he went bankrupt and died in poverty. In the first Forbes rating (1918), it ranked 16th with $ 70 million.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55818/

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