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Flush 0.4 released (GTK-based BitTorrent client)

A few months ago I wrote about the release of the first (0.1) version of my BitTorrent client. Since then, Flush has grown to version 0.4. Since the first version is most likely not everyone will decide to install, and there might not be any functions, the absence of which would prevent using Flush, I decided that it was time to remind once again the existence of this BitTorrent client. I use it from the first version and did what I think the BitTorrent client should be. If your preferences coincide with mine, then perhaps you will like it.

The reasons that made me write my own BitTorrent client, I stated here , so I will not repeat. I think it would be best to provide a list of changes compared to Flush 0.1 and screenshots, which can often say much more than any Changelog. :)

Major changes (a complete list of changes can be found by reading the Changelog):

As before, the source and deb packages for Ubuntu-8.10-i386 and Ubuntu-8.10-x86-64 can be downloaded here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/flush/ .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55809/

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