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Second higher education programmer. Where to go?

I appeal to habravchanam for advice. The situation is this: I graduate from the Higher School of Economics (very prestigious economics university) first degree (bachelor degree) in management, I understand that before managing people in an interesting position, given the crisis, you have to wait for an incredible long time (recently sent 10 different resumes, no company I didn’t even answer), and the process of working at the lowest steps of a career is so boring and uninteresting, so far there is time I decided to get a second degree for a programmer, since I was interested in this area for a very long time. I am not very interested in web programming, I want to make applications independent of the web, at least in terms of its basic functionality.
As I see a career after the 2nd highest: I work as a programmer (not an administrator, etc., namely a programmer), a long process of advanced training, I enter a leading programmer, then, perhaps, the head of IT in the company, well will be seen where. A good first will help as your managerial responsibilities increase.
Such a question: where to go? I consider getting a bad education a waste of time, so I want to find out from those who have already studied in technical colleges opinions about them.
Well, if you think that I think something in the wrong direction (for example, you do not agree that the career will follow the scenario presented above), then your criticism will also be useful.
Thank you for replying.

PS: I live in Moscow.

UPD: During the discussion, an interesting point of view emerged, speaking in favor of independent learning. Thanks for her, I promise to think about this option. However, since the point of view is clear, then I suggest not to discuss it further.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55805/

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