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Visual editor for habratopikov

The theme of the visual editor has already been raised in the comments, but, in my opinion, requires a separate discussion. Of course, it’s not hard to fill in tags, but when I fill in the A tag, I just feel like a robot, javascript, Word, etc.

Fresh WYSIWYG editors work under all modern browsers and are flexible. They can simply “cling” to the existing textbox via javascript, and for all old and mobile browsers there will be a simple textbox.

I know the two most advanced editors:
For a long time I didn’t see alternatives to FCKeditor, but now TinyMCE is very advanced and seems to be more preferable.

So I do not see any obstacles (neither ideological nor technical) for using the visual editor on Habré when writing Habratopic.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/5580/

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