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Overview of open source - systems for bug tracking.

Recently, a question was raised at work: it’s time to finally have a bug tracking system, but which one? The conditions were set as follows: the system should be open source, should be easily installed on a non-Windows system, used as a MySQL database, and preferably written in PHP, in case you really want to modify the file.

Variants were offered such: Jira (disappears due to non-freeness), BugZilla (disappeared due to the fact that the admin accused her of the requirements of “some specific MySQL settings”), Trac (he was doubted for a long time, because svn).

Since there have been no reviews of such systems on Habré yet, I offer my own, maybe someone else can come in handy when choosing.
So: a brief overview of the bug tracking systems.

1. BugZilla .
Everyone probably knows about her, but just in case, briefly for those who do not yet know.

The system from the developers of FireFox, in general, guys are very responsible approach to the problem of bugs.

Installation: Linux or Solaris support is guaranteed, you need Perl to work, and one of the databases: MySQL, PostgerSQL, Oracle.

The list of people using BugZilla is impressive: the Mozilla Foundation (well, this is not surprising, in general), Open Office, RedHat, NASA, Facebook and a hundred other fairly well-known and thousands of unknown companies.

Of the main features:

The system supports Unicode and Russian.

2. Trac .
Also a very well-known system (of course, Vasya, well, who does not know him ...).

Installation: supported on almost all Linux-like systems, there is even a version for Windows. Written in Pyton, supports MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite.

It has a large number of use possibilities, and if something is not in the standard package, you can extend Trac plugins. Subversion support is built in initially.

Supports Unicode.

3. WebIssues .
It consists of two parts: a server (PHP + MySQL) and a client (application for Linux or Windows). In addition to MySQL, there is support for SQL Server and Firebird. Supports Unicode.

The latest version at the time of this writing is 0.9.4, which raises some doubts about the possibility of using it in serious projects, but the approach with the client server is interesting, which can be decent for developers.

4. eTraxis .
Platform-independent system based on PHP + MySQL engine (PostgreSQL, MSSQL and Oracle can also be used as databases.

It supports the Russian language and the standard set for such systems: e-mail alerts, management of several projects. It is possible to attach binary files.

5. Mantis Bug Tracker .
Written in PHP, works with databases MySQL, MS SQL, and PostgreSQL.

Of the features, it is possible to note a multi-level hierarchy of the type Project> by-project> category> bug.

The functionality is pretty well developed: there is an integrated wiki, chat, RSS, time-tracking. The system supports Unicode, but apparently this is also a standard for such systems. There is a SOAP interface and support for mobile devices.

6. BugNET .
Close the review system Windows-only. Written in ASP.NET (which is probably reflected in the title), uses IIS as a web server, M $ SQL as a DBMS. The developers promise a thoughtful user interface and possibilities not only for bugtracking.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55786/

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