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Three guests

A woman came out of her house and saw three old men with long white beards on the street courtyard. She did not recognize them. She said, “I guess you don’t know me, but you must be hungry. Please enter the house and eat. ”“ And the husband is at home? ”They asked. “No,” she replied. “He is not.” “Then we cannot enter,” they replied. In the evening, when her husband returned home, she told him about what had happened. "Go and tell them that I am at home and invite them into the house!" Said the husband.

A woman came out and invited old men. “We cannot go to the house together,” they replied. “Why?” She wondered. One of the old men explained: “His name is Wealth,” he said pointing to one of his friends, and said pointing to the other, “And his name is Luck, and my name is Love.” Then he added, “Now go home and talk to your husband about which of us you want to see in your home. ”The woman went and told her husband about what she had heard. Her husband was very pleased. “How nice!” He said. “If we really need to make a choice, let's invite Wealth. Let him enter and fill our house with wealth! ”His wife replied,“ Dear, why don't we invite Luck? ”Their daughter listened while sitting in the corner. She ran up to them with her suggestion: “Why should not we invite Love? After all, then love will reign in our house! ”“ Let's agree with our girl, ”the husband told his wife. “Go and ask for Love to be our guest.” The woman came out and asked three old men, “Which of you is Love? Come into the house and be our guest. ”The old man named Love went in the direction of the house. The other 2 old men followed him. Surprised, the lady asked Wealth and Luck: “I invited only Love, why are you going?” The old men answered: “If you invited Wealth or Luck, the other two of us would have remained on the street, but since you invited Love, where does she Comes, we always go after her. Where there is love, there is always both Wealth and Luck !! ”

PS I wanted to post in Proverbs, but I don’t have enough karma. And the parable is cool, I really like it.

UPD: Moved to Proverbs. Thanks.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55784/

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