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Image Composite Editor - the creator of panoramic photos

Have you encountered the need to combine several shots into one panorama? It would seem a fairly simple task, which, however, is difficult to solve without aids. A small program Microsoft Image Composite Editor can help you. This program is developed by the Microsoft Research team and is completely free. Before trying, I didn’t expect anything special, but I was pleasantly surprised by the result. Six photos of the fed programs were combined without a noticeable seam. The result is great. Under the cut, I post the original photos and the result of the program, as well as a snapshot of the interface. Caution, a lot of pictures.

Raw material

As you can see from the presented photos, there is nothing special about them, everything was shot with hands, some photos with a slope, one shot vertically.

Nevertheless, the result exceeded all my expectations. You can be convinced of the quality by looking at the result of the program, which is presented above the cat (clickable). The image is slightly reaped to save traffic, but you can also evaluate the result by it. Not a single break, I guarantee it! :)

Appearance of the program

The program is very simple and friendly. Allows you to play with the result, for example, move the panorama around a sphere or cylinder and save it in various formats, including the Silverlight Deep Zoom format, which makes it possible to upload huge gigabit panoramas to the web.


The program works quickly, confidently recognized my photos, saves in all the necessary formats, allows you to adjust the projection. Everything is convenient and simple. Recommend.

PS: I would like to ask interested habrayuserov in the comments to describe similar tools and, if possible, compare the results

Progg it

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55783/

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