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GoPlan - a new competitor 37Signals

Web design and programming company WeBreakStuff has released a project management system called GoPlan , which is positioned as a competitor to BaseCamp and ActiveCollab .

GoPlan is very similar to BaseCamp and ActiveCollab. All of them work through the web interface. At the same time, GoPlan and BaseCamp are commercial services (made in Ruby), and the less functional ActiveCollab is distributed open-source (written in PHP).

GoPlan project management system is equipped with modules for collective editing of notes, calendars (export to iCal), task management, tracking of current affairs, file management, and also has built-in chat (support for SSL). A distinctive feature of the interface is the ability to turn off unnecessary modules so that they do not hurt the eyes on the screen and do not impede navigation.

The cost of GoPlan and BaseCamp varies widely: from the free version to tariffs for $ 100 and $ 150 per month, respectively. Base functionality costs $ 20 and $ 24 per month. The free version of GoPlan does not have a calendar and chat, but for $ 10 a month you can get full functionality for a dozen projects of eight people each.
In one of the blogs you can find a detailed comparison of the functionality of these three services .

via TechCrunch

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/5577/

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